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Funding & Giving



  1. Give regularly from your bank (Standing Order)
  2. Give by bank transfer
  3. Give by SMS
  4. Give through the CAF website
  5. Give via the Good box
  6. Give via Cash or Cheque
  7. Give via Amazon Smile


Don’t forget if you are a UK taxpayer, please complete your Gift Aid form - contact for a form

We are incredibly grateful for your financial support. Your generous gifts have allowed us to grow and fulfil our God-given vision as a church. We rely on the contributions of members like you to be able to plan for the future.  Your contributions to the church make it possible for us to offer a variety of programmes and activities, serve our local and global communities, and support mission partners at home and abroad. 

As Christians, we believe in the principle of tithing, which involves giving 10% of your income to good causes. While we encourage you to consider this as a guide, we understand that these may be financially challenging times and you may already be supporting other causes. Whatever the amount, we are grateful for your support. Thank you for being a part of Roxeth Community Church.

Gift Aid - Donating through Gift Aid means Roxeth can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. That's as long as you've paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds. Donating via Gift Aid can be used for ALL the ways mentioned on this page. Contact the office for a Gift Aid declaration form. 

Payroll Giving via your Employer - If your employer offers Payroll Giving, you have the option to donate directly to Roxeth Community Church from your salary before taxes are taken out. This means that if you give £100 per month and are a basic rate taxpayer, the donation will only cost you £80 from your net pay. If you pay a higher tax rate, the gift will only cost you £60 from your net pay. To see if your employer offers this option, reach out to your Human Resources department.

Employer Matched Giving - Many employers have programs that match charitable donations made by their employees. These programs often match the employee's donation pound-for-pound up to a certain amount. Some companies may even double the donation. To find out if your employer has a matched giving programme, you can contact your company's Human Resources or Social Responsibility department.

  1. Give regularly from your bank - Standing order

Many at Roxeth Community Church commit to regular giving by setting up a Standing Order to make regular payments. Set up a standing order with your bank to have a specific amount debited from your account each month on a day of your choosing.  This can be done online, on your bank’s app or by post. 

2. Give a one off donation via a Bank Transfer using the details below:

CAF Bank

Roxeth Community Church

Account: 00032415

Sort Code: 40 52 40

3. SMS Text Giving via Donr

Donate directly to our Food bank campaign where you can give to Roxeth’s foodbank by texting ROXETHFOOD to 70085. From there you will be prompted to the amount you wish to donate. 2,3,5,10,15 up to £20.

4. Website (via Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) giving page)

The CAF website is helpful for those who give to multiple charities and want to keep track of their giving in one place, or for those who prefer to give anonymously to the church. To do this, go to the Charities Aid Foundation giving page and type in Roxeth Community Church under 'Find a charity' search box then make your donation. You can pay by credit card, debit card or paypal any amount from £5 - £9,999 and you can even specify how you would like your donation to be used.

5. Good Box

Good Box is a contactless technology that allows you to tap your smartphone to make a donation. The touchscreen allows you to easily increase or decrease the chosen donation amount presented on screen. Roxeth’s Good Box will be inside the Main Church Hall at all Sunday services and special events. (excluding Messy Church, Holiday Club)

6. Cash or Cheque (via offering or office)

Cash should be placed in a labelled envelope and handed in directly to the Administrator’s office.  Cheques should be made out to Roxeth Community Church. 

7. Amazon Smile 

You can also give via Amazon Smile. Same products, same prices, same service as you would normally find on Amazon but Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases.  A simple additional way to give when you are making a purchase. Use the link below to donate to Roxeth: 

If you have any questions relating to giving please contact the office at or visit our contact us page